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Regional Championships in 2026 and 2027

Thank you to those clubs that came forward to host Regional Championships in 2026 and 2027. While we are attempting to make changes to help these meets become more cost effective, the clubs willing to take on the work and the responsibilities are beyond appreciated!
  • 2026 Xcel Regional Championships – Everett, WA – Northwest Aerials
  • 2027 Xcel Regional Championships – Boise, ID – Performance Plus/Ignite Gymnastics
  • 2026 Dev (6-10) Regional Championships – Kennewick, WA – Garland’s Gymnastics
  • 2027 Dev (6-10) Regional Championships – Tacoma, WA – Emerald City Gymnastics
Just a reminder:
  • 2025 Xcel Regional Championships – Salem, OR – Athletic Edge
  • 2025 Dev (7-10) Regional Championships – Vancouver, WA – Naydenov Gymnastics
Please let me know if anyone has any questions or concerns!
Sandy Flores
USA Gymnastics Region 2 Administrative Committee Chair


Download as a PDF: SOUTH_CAMP_2024-final

Download as a PDF: NORTH_CAMP-Naydenov_2024-final

Download as a PDF: MOUNTAIN_CAMP_2024-final

Download as a PDF: NORTH_CAMP-Black Hills-2024

Download as a PDF HIGH CAMP_2024-

Download the PDF2024 CAMPS-SAVE THE DATES-final


Administrative Committee Meeting Minutes

July 19th, 2024
Pomegranate Bistro, Redmond


Meeting was called to order by Sandy Flores, Regional Adminstrative Committee Chair, at 5:33pm

Laurie Reid – RTCC
Tiffany Quincy – RDPCC
Dianne Palmer – RXCC
Pricilla Hickey – NAWGJ
Charlene Moss, Alaska SACC – via zoom
Pam Zak, Hawaii SACC
Barb Depasquale, Idaho SACC
Josh Burnham, Montana SACC
Kelsey Kottek, Oregon SACC – via zoom
Kim Thomson, Washington SACC
Dale Kephart –  Athlete Rep
Linda Mulvihil – Athlete Rep
Molly Gill – Regional Congress Rep

Regional Handbook has been finalized and should be current on website.

Senior Banners at Regionals was a success! Motion to continue the tradition in 2025, with the States payng $35.00 each
Motion passed unanimously

Website is a work in progress and we will have it fully current by September.

A motion to increase Regional Camp prices to $225.00 for Dev Camps / $100.00 for Xcel
Motion passed unanimously

National Office had asked if we had dates for Regional Congresses 2025, Sandy advised them that our preference was to hold them every other year.

Discussion on 2026/2027 Regional Dates. Currently no bids, a few intents to bid were received. Regional Committee will have to host those meets without bids.

A motion to add Level 6 to Regional Championships beginning 2026, keeping meet as 3 days and adding a second set of equipment.
Motion passed unanimously

A motion to have level 6 and 7 be a 2 judge panel at Regional Championships.
Motion passed with 1 abstention

Discussion on States who add additional judges to Regional Championships. States do, and may assign different judges at different levels, or send judges to practice judge as long as there no addional cost to the Region or meet host.

A motion to keep the 2025 Regional qualifying scores as is:
Xcel – Gold % of a % / Platinum 35.0 / Diamond and Sapphire  – 34.0
Dev – Level 7-10 –  34.0
Motion passed unanimously


Term limits were explained and discussed. Some positions received an extention by a National draw. The next elections for Region 2 officers will be as follows:
RACC – 2029
RTCC – 2027
RDPCC – 2026
RXCC – 2026 (with a new rule that they must be an actice Xcel Coach)

Discussion on Beam matting and the amount of injuries at competitions. Tiffany will be bringing forward some ideas to her National Committee.

A motion to change the way Region 2 awards our Dev Program of the year to better align with the description and criteria in USA Gymnastics Rules and Policys*
Motion passed Unanimously

*Prior to Dev Nationals, Tiffany (RDPCC) and Sandy (RACC) will send the Committee the “current” Regional and Western Championship standings, using the exsisting point system. The points will continue to be accrued through the final session of Dev Nationals. When all points are tallied, the top three clubs will be sent to the Committee. The Committee will then vote on the Regional Program of the Year, using the National criteria as found in R&P on page 82.
a.  Program exhibits excellence at multiple developmental Program levels with an emphasis at the highest level in the current year.
b.  Displays good sportsmanship, team spirit and ethics
c.  Contributes to regional efforts (camps, clinics, congress, volunteer positions)
While the Committee will take into consideration hosting camps and sending athletes to camps, no set points will be awarded.

The Committee agrees that we would want to add an Xcel Program of the year. Diane Palmer advised us that this is a National Committee discussion and we will await the criteria.

October 14th, 2024 via zoom
April  14th , 2025 in person at 10:00am – location to be determined
May 11th, 2025 via zoom to vote on Program of the Year

RTCC – Laurie Reid
Judge’s selection Qualification criteria.
Judges’ assignments to training camps.
State Rankings for Dev and Xcel due August 1st.

RDPCC – Tiffany Quincy

Request for State Chairs to help with tracking down sizes for Regional apparel.
Camps dates are finalized: (working on an Alaska Camp for summer of 2025)
South Camp – September 14/15 – NAAG
North Camp – September 28/29 – Naydenov
Mountain Camp – October 12/13 – Lone Mountain
High Tech – November 2/3 – Metropolitan

RXCC – Dianne Palmer
Dev Mobility issues were discussed as well as the intent and spirit of the Xcel program
Xcel Camp dates are finalized:
September 29 – Emerald City, WA
October 19 – Spark Zone Atletics/Ignite Gymnastics , ID

Region 2 Judging Director – Pricilla Hickey
New incoming State Judging directors:

Alaska – Detrich Sheffield
Idaho – Eric Jacobsen
Washington – Michelle LaDow
A special thanks to Nadine Thompson (AK) Johnna Sandow and Kelly Riley (ID) and Patty Ames (WA) for all their hard work and leadership!!
   2023 Regional Green Flag Award – Jeannine Henneford (MT)
2023 State Green Flag awards:
Deatrich Sheffield (AK)
Barbara May (ID)
Lisa Boylan (OR)
Leah Mohtes Chan (WA)

Athlete Reps – Dale Gephart and Linda Mulvihill
Class of 2025 HOF nominations will be due on November 1st, 2024.

Alaska – No report
Hawaii – Everything good!
Idaho – All is good. Had 2 Dev National Camp qualifiers!
Montana – Everything great, appreciated having a Regional camp in Montana.
Oregon – All is good. Hosting a Level 9/10 Summit.
Washington – Everything is great. Also had 2 Dev National Camp qualifiers!

Motion to adjourn meeting at 9:27 by Kim Thomson

Administrative Committee Meeting Agenda

April 11th, 2024

RACC – Sandy Flores


Regional Handbook – finalize
Senior Banners

Apparel – costs to athletes 2024 (voted on 4/3/2024)
2025 Regional Camps
Regional Congress
Regional Banquet / HOF
2025 Regional Championships
2026/2027 Regional Dates / Bid timeline
– Financial Issues

Regional qualifying scores

RTCC – Laurie Reid
RDPCC – Tiffany Quincy
RXCC – Dianne Palmer
NAWGJ – Pricilla Hickey

Alaska – Charlene Moss
Hawaii – Pam Zak
Idaho – Barb Depasquale
Montana – Josh Burnham
Oregon – Kelsey Kottek
Washington – Kim Thomson



Administrative Committee Meeting Minutes

April 11th, 2024 – Anchorage Marriot

Sandy called the meeting to order at 10:35pm

Please note that all further meetings held at Regional Championships will be held the night before the event.



Sandy Flores – RACC

Laurie Reid – RTCC

Tiffiany Quincy – RDPCC

Dianne Palmer – RXCC

Charlene Moss – Alaska SACC

Pam Zak – Hawaii SACC

Josh Burnham – Montana SACC

Kelsey Kottek – Oregon SACC

Kim Thomson – Washington SACC

Invited guests

Nadine Thompson – NAWGJ

Linda Mulvihill – Athlete Rep

Dale Kephart – Athlete Rep



Barb Depsaquale – Idaho SACC



  • Current cash on hand with USAG is $121,033.39
  • Still need to pay apparel and deposit current fundraising monies



  • Finalized some details in Regional Handbook
  • Sandy will email handbook to committee no later than May 1st for a final vote.
  • Discussed Senior Banners. Project was a success; plan is to continue in 2025
  • cost was approximately $50.00 per banner to the Region /$30.00 to each State
  • Discussion on Website and changes we would like to see.



Confirmed we paid for 100% of the 9/10 apparel for 2024 qualifiers!

Tiffany is working to confirm 2025 Regional Camp dates.

  • Motion to pay all camp clinicians a minimum of $250.00 a day + a $50.00 R2 apparel voucher (per camp) and to pay mileage and per diem to all those travelling more than 60 miles roundtrip to any given camp.
  • Update on Regional Congress
  • Sandy will look for a venue for our HOF Banquet
  • Discussion to ensure that Naydenov will reevaluate 2025 Regional Championships location
  • 2026/2027 Regional Dates will be sent out on May 1st and be due no later than September 1st.
  • Financial Issues of hosting Regionals was discussed, we tabled all other discussion on solutions.
  • Regional qualifying scores were discussed, no changes were made.



RTCC – Laurie Reid

RDPCC – Tiffany Quincy

RXCC – Dianne Palmer

NAWGJ – Nadine Thompson

HOF Committee – will be discussing nominations. Sandy will order trophies.



Nothing to report


Tiffany motioned to adjourn at 11:58pm

Region 2 Apparel for Westerns and Nationals

Coach’s  apparel colors/days for Westerns and Nationals:
THURSDAY:   Turquoise
FRIDAY:        Grey
SATURDAY:     White
SUNDAY:        Black

2024 Women’s Region 2 Championship
Meet Settings

Download the R2 April Meet Settings (PDF)


Looking ahead: Region 2 Calendar through 2024

Date Meet Location Host
August 24 – 26, 2023 National Congress San Jose, CA USA Gymnastics
April 12-14, 2024 Dev Regionals Anchorage, Alaska Anchorage Gymnastics
April 19 – 21, 2024 Xcel Regionals Century Link Arena Boise, Idaho Performance Plus
May 3 – 5, 2024 Westerns TBA TBA
May 10 – 12, 2024 Dev Nationals Daytona Beach, FL USA Gymnastics
April 11-13, 2025 Dev Regionals Portland Expo Center Naydenov Gymnastics
April 25 – 27, 2025

Note: Easter is the week after Dev Regionals

Xcel Regionals The Pavilion – Oregon State Fairgrounds Salem, OR The Athletic Edge